Erotic Kink-of-the-Day

What’s you Favorite Kink?

Kinkster forum about kinks, fetishes, erotic niches

I’m so sorry to have neglected my WordPress blog lately! I’ve been drowning in work… Has the company where you work ever launched a huge project? Then you know exactly what a madhouse it can be… The big project was the launch of the Streamed Video option, to supplement the original Download option. But that’s now in place, and it’s all good! It has been a great project 🙂

Even as I neglected my WordPress blog, I kept very busy on a site called Fetlife – a kinky version of Facebook, for those who may not familiar with it.


In particular, I started a Fetlife group called “1 Kink (Fetish, Niche, Sub-Niche) of the Day”. As you can see from the partial screen shot, a lot of Fetlife users have participated in the discussions, covering over 70 kinks so far.

If you are a Fetlife member, please come visit the 1-Kink-of-the-Day group. If not, you can see the listing of all the kinks/fetishes/erotic niches and sub-niches (no Fetlife membership needed.)

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Fetlife has been a good place to get immediate feedback on various erotic kinks from many kinksters. I will take the most interesting kinks, and elaborate on them in greater depth in future entries in this WordPress blog 🙂

What’s your Fetish? Any Request?

If you’d like to request that I discuss a particular kink, please look at kink-of-the-day listing. The ones marked with “VIDEO/PHOTO EXAMPLES” are, generally speaking, the ones I’m most familiar with 😀